Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Today's harvest. One small head of red leaf lettuce. It appeared in the beets we planted last fall. A volunteer from last years crop . Two giant purple artichokes and four small radishes. We ate a small salad for breakfast and will eat the artichokes for dinner (or supper if your from the midwest like my husband). Its the first full week of good weather. Will be over 70F all week and today should reach 90F. I stepped into the garden expecting to harvest a dozen strawberries that I've had my eye on for days. I figured the last few days of warm weather would sweeten them up and we could eat them for breakfast. Instead I found complete and utter carnage in the strawberry patch. Pillaged by birds!!! All that was left of the ripest berries were stems and hollowed out berry carcasses. We put some pea netting over the patch to protect them from further raids. I might need to purchase a BB gun and a laser sight.

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