I love gardening. Especially in the early morning hours when the sun is just coming up but my yard is still shrouded in shadows. The possibilities for the day are not fully formed, all the edges are soft, and inviting. Heavy digging, planting, weeding, deadheading, and gathering ripe produce- all have their own joys. Breathing in and out, moving this muscle to accomplish that task. My dirty toes, pricked fingers, ache in the lower back. It's heaven even when it's not.
I moved into a new home in 2008. I got a good deal on a repossession. Sad for the former owner but good news for me. With housing prices so crazy during the last 10 years I had serious doubts that I would ever own my home. I've had homeowner fantasies for a long time. Mostly centered around what kind of garden would surround my home. It's a little disconcerting to have a cherished dream come true. All the elements are there, the home, the yard, the dirt, the water coming out of the faucet. Yikes!!! What to do, what to do?
I put in 4 12x12 quadrants with 2x4 lumber with dirt paths in between. It was a decent garden for single working woman. Then I went and found myself a garden slave... ahem... husband. What an incredible blessing! And not just for my garden. We have put in pathways, installed raised beds and trellising, planted trees, artichokes strawberries and sundry vegetables and herbs.
My garden is a labor of love. My love of green things and my husbands love for me.